Welcome to Stirrups ‘n Strides Therapeutic Riding Center Inc., where horses transform lives! We empower individuals through therapeutic horseback riding, carriage driving, and equine-assisted therapy. Our vision is to inspire growth, healing, and joy for all ages. Experience the unique benefits, from enhancing mental and physical health to nurturing emotional well-being and developing vital social skills to enrich the lives of others. Join us in making a difference through volunteering, spreading the word, and donating to support accessible equine therapy. Together, we ride towards a brighter future!
Recent Stirrups!

Stirrups ‘n Strides Therapeutic Riding Center, Inc. is Member Center by the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH), and all of our instructors are PATH certified.

Learn a bit about what we do here at Stirrups ‘n Strides for the benefit of others. See how our passion sets us up to achieve new strides!